
Thank you for visiting our new Internet site. As an up-to-date business, we want to give you the opportunity to stay in touch with our company. A new content management system will enable us to always keep you up to date.

At present, our web site is still under construction. We are making an effort to present you with our entire spectrum of wood coating services as soon as possible. Check this site later, please.

In the meantime you can reach us at: ( 253 ) 507-8733.                                                                                              You can also contact us at our e-mail address:  Jeff@ChromaticCF.com .

If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know what your questions are, from contractors to cabinet makers to DIY'rs ,we will be more than happy to help you with your finishing needs.

In brief, you should know the following about us: our company was established in November of 2010 and has over 25 years of wood coating experience. Our specialty is in the area of custom color matching, glazing, distressed and other rustic techniques. Our business is located in the South Sound area at: 

Portland Avenue Business Park 

1826  112th St.E. Suite B  Tacoma,Wa 98445

Chromatic Custom Finishing L.L.C.   Cabinetry, Doors, Millwork and More............
